Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ability is of little account opportunity .

               Explain ways that a talented person can succeed by overcoming adversity?                          I strongly agree with the quote because i know that everyone can be talented. you become talented by becoming who you really want to be. by that you need to always now what you are doing                                                 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

                         1.)    "It is better to be alone than in bad company".
   I think I will like to have dinner with Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Theodor Roosevelt, and two of my friends Brittney ,and Aili. i will like to spend time with them because it will be fun. It will also be nice to now their life's more if they were still alive. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

1)How does knowledge give a person power?
       Knowledge helps a person by getting a good job or a job where they give you good money and in life you need it a lot every where you can also get your degree,and scholarship. That why when you are in school you supposed  to advantage it the education helps a person a lot. It would be fun to finish school cause it will help you get a lot of stuff not just what you need you can also get what you want. That is why I am going to finish school and I have to keep that promise. Knowledge can and will help you a lot in your life. Y have to stay in school if you want to get a good life for example get a good home for you,good job and have a fun life!

2)Is there a certain kind of knowledge that leads to more power? 
It leads to creativity. Creativity leads to more power such as the one that is not creativity.