Thursday, November 13, 2008




The Frayer model can help me by putting it in my blog. When I have it in my blog I get to study it at home. I don't have have it in my paper and if I forget it or I lose it I don't have to worry about it because I already have it in my computer and I also have a computer it is easier. The Frayer is real easy we could study everything.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Five  things that were the same with newsletter and power point. 
1.  It is  fair use.
2. They are both for you to have a plan.
3. They are both to investigate
4. They both analyze 
5. They both Evaluate

Three things that are different from the newsletter.
1. It talks about fair use
2. It is also about Copyright notice. 
3. It shows the places where I got the information. 

Things that were different from power point. 
1. It is about our Field Lesson.
2. It shows the places we are going to go to . 
3. It shows the time. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day 11/11/08

It will fell sad because if your husband was going for a long time it will be real sad. They are going to be gone for a very long time.I now Mrs.Hinojosa would feel real bad from her husband away for a long time. I think I will feel real bad because they are sacrificing all the hard work they are doing. It is a lot of work for them so you have to appreciate what he or she is doing cause you will get payed alot if you work there.  

Monday, November 10, 2008