Friday, October 17, 2008

Ethical or Unethical ( 10/17/08)

Me myself I think it is unethical. It was Unethical because the bad thing was that he  shouldn't have got in his E-mail in school cause it is only for school purposes. Unless the teacher told you to get in only for a reason.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ethical or Unethical

It is unethical because the solution is bad. Unethical means that you are doing something bad. That is why the solution is unethical. What the "enemies" did was bad they are not suppost to do that .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I think I did pretty good but I now I can do better so I am going to stop talking and more working . I think i could reach a 100% cause I  love technology . I now I would  do very good in all my classes but I just need to put my part .In the process journal I would probably give myself  between a 80 all the way maybe try to get a 100%. I think i would get a 100% cause i am very good in this class but it all depends if I listen and I am going to start doing all my work neat and complete. In my Newsletter I would give myself a 80% cause i didn't get to put the website. If I stopped talking my blog would be complete but it is fine with an 80 but i now i could get a 100%.

( Ethical/Unethical)

What she did was wrong because the computer is not for you to be playing around it is for assignments that you are received from the teacher. You are suppost to tell other people bad stuff because they haven"t done anything wrong to you or that person. The person that got that comment you are going to tell the teacher what she posted to you cause the person who send which was Trish . The right thing she should have done was just log her off and get in your blog and do what the teacher assigned you or all of the students you are not suppost to do none of that unless the teacher told you but DO NOT right nothing bad because you will get in trouble.