Friday, October 24, 2008

Ethical or Unethical 10/24/08

The Video I saw I think it was a bad thing because whatever you do it will come back to   you. I have heard that saying a lot. I would never steal cause you never now what could happen they can see you and they will embarrass you real bad. That is why you should never steel because you can even go to jail for that and it is real bad.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Having A Professional Job. 10/22/08

The Ethical situation is that you should always have a good attitude. If you don't have a good attitude they might fire you from the work cause you are not cooperating with the other workers. That is why one of the steps is for you to have a good night sleep that is one of them. That is one step cause people can wake up in a bad mood cause they don't have enough sleep.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Video Ethics 10/21/08

I think that all the stuff that they were saying is true like team work that is true because you cant actually work with someone that does not want to work cause the person is not cooperating with with the worker that is working. If I was the person that was cooperating and the other was just sitting down i would not like it at all we are all going to do it together.   

Monday, October 20, 2008

Right or Wrong 10/20/08

 I think Tina is Right and Wrong . The right thing is that she has everything complete and neat. It is also ok to be shy. The wrong thing is that she doesn't want to show her personal stuff but at the same time it is right. I would be real embarrassed to talk in front of people. I have been through that but i have got away with it cause I cant say nothing I will just turn real red.